
  • Purchases of  Assessments and Experiences are non-refundable. Access to the course or assessment expires one year from date of purchase.
  • Discounted pricing available for SkillsUSA members for Assessments.
  • Discounted pricing available for PrintED Affiliated Schools for the SkillsUSA/PrintED co-branded Assessments.
  • Vouchers for Assessments and Experiences are non-refundable. The vouchers are valid for one year from date of purchase.

Secured Payment Required:

A secured payment is required to process your Assessment or Experiences order. Pay by credit card or provide a copy of a purchase order to secure the order and mail a check within 30 days of the invoice.

Acceptable credit card payment types: Visa, Master Card or American Express

Upload purchase order in shopping cart at time of purchase.

Mail payments for SkillsUSA Career Essentials products to:

SkillsUSA Inc.
ATTN: Career Essentials
673 Potomac Station Dr., PMB #809
Leesburg, VA 20176

Automotive Assessments
*For automotive assessment pricing and payments contact ASE at 1-800-362-0544

View a list of available Career Essentials: Assessments

Pricing subject to change.

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