The adult learner Experiences offer a meaningful, engaging mix of independent and peer-based activities that promote reflection, critical reasoning, self-awareness and growth in personal, workplace and technical skills. Topics include Continuous Improvement, Initiative, Collaboration, Customer Service and Change Management, followed by a culminating Career Readiness Capstone Experience.
Experiences contain instructor guides, instructor resources packets, kick-off presentations*, and access to gradebooks and reports. Learning tools include pre-tests*, activities*, e-learning modules* (accessible on desktop and mobile devices), and post-tests.
Experiences are “blended” and designed to be completed in class, outside of class and in a variety of environments. Review the Initiative Experience Map below for a summary of course components, and then explore some sample materials from the Initiative Experience. Please contact us so that we can customize an implementation approach with you.
* Indicates a sample of this resource is included in the demo links below.
PRESENTATION: Initiative Kick-off
SAMPLE ACTIVITY: Creating a Career Plan